Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Cell Phone (Life Form.)

This semester I'm taking a college course called 'Life Formation" with Elevate Leadership School. Rather than journaling, blogging is a class requirement. The plan now is to add "-life formation" to the title of posts written specifically for this course. I'm thankful for a little push to be more consistent in blogging-- here it goes!

Last Wednesday in class, Al (our course professor) said something like, "How awesome is it when someone is talking to you and they turn off their cell phone? There's something spiritual about that."

I realize that statement may seem a little ordinary to you at first... but for some reason it clicked with me right away. Forgive me for lack of a better word, but that gesture is just so special. I think that is because it makes the person, for whom the phone was shut off, realize that they are important and valued... that their words and insights are so meaningful to the other  that they were willing to shut everything else off... just to listen. 

This happened to me just the other day. It said so much to me about how much this person values other people. Constant rushing and thinking about all we need to accomplish causes us to forget how valuable people are, as well as the importance of real connection and listening (not just hearing). 

Sometimes, I really like to multi-task (for example, the other day I tried to do a crossword while driving... it was the last time, I promise). Maybe multi-tasking isn't really it... maybe I just like to stay busy. Whatever it is, it has too often robbed from me some of the sweetest opportunities to get to know people. I don't do this intentionally, but I have noticed recently that I too often pick up my phone or check my email when instead I could be giving all of my focus and all my attention to the person right in front of me. Friends, thank you for being patient with me. I'm learning. :)

So, thank you to each of you who have ignored a text, turned off your phone, or taken the time to sit down so we could talk. Thank you for simply listening. I like getting to know you. 


  1. love the blog, really enjoyed reading it and the pics. Now if we can only get you to stop the whole crossword puzzle driving thing...haha.

  2. Bonnie! Great Stuff! Very True! Your words inspire me!
