Thursday, January 27, 2011

Snow Day 2.0

Today is my second snow day of the week. I really do like snow days... I just like non-snow-days better. I like the structure of non-snow-days (what I suppose you could call 'regular days'). But this morning as I was getting breakfast I was thinking "Maybe snow days are good. Maybe I need these so I have a day every once in a while for a little self-evaluation." I think that's important. To have a day where you see where your work ethic is, how you spend your time, what you rely on... when it's not really being decided for you. It does a heart good to be sure you're genuine and trusting in unshakable things.

So snow days are good.

I think this is our 3rd this year... I've always had a hard time remembering snow days. The picture above is my breakfast on the window seat I'm eating on. There's something really great about sitting on a window seat when it's snowy outside and you're eating pancakes.

Yesterday I read an example of a man's personal creed. It was beautifully written and I felt like I knew him by the end of it. My favorite was this: "To defend those who are not present." I love the high priority the man put on that commitment.

He also wrote, "Listen twice as much as I speak". That's good.

And on a side note, look at that picture up there. See the dark orange-red fruit? Do you know what that is? Because I just realized I don't.  Just let me know. :)

Enjoy your snow day, or "non-snow-day", today.

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